

ASET are recognized in the U.K by the Department for Education and Skills (DfEs), Learning Skills Council (LSC) and the Qualifications & Curriculum Authority (QCA) and thus the qualification is accredited by the QCA in England, by the CCEA (Council for the Curriculum Examinations and Assessment) in Northern Ireland and by the ACCAC (The Qualifications, Curriculum and Assessment Authority) in Wales. ASET are recognized to provide awards to the NQF (National Qualifications Framework).

Accreditation by ASET is a guarantee of quality. It means that a learning programme has been scrutinized and approved by an independent panel of experienced educational professionals and is quality audited annually by ASET. The centre delivering the programmes has been licensed by ASET on the basis of its own quality systems.

Learners successfully completing ASET accredited programmes receive a nationally-recognized ASET certificate and all ASET accredited programmes offer progression to further recognized programmes of learning.

ASET currently works with around 200 learning providers, the majority of them Further Education Colleges. Last year ASET certificated nearly 75,000 learners in the UK.

ASET has developed a modern, streamlined system for quality assuring learning programmes. It is designed to support the development and delivery of high quality teaching and learning. ASET’s quality assurance procedures are accredited by the British Standards Institute as meeting the requirements of ISO 9000.

All ASET Accredited Courses lead to a Nationally Recognized ASET Award. That means that the courses are independently accredited at a level of learning equivalent to at least level 3 on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) for England, Wales and Northern Ireland (in which GCSEs are at levels 1 and 2 and A-levels are at level 3).

If you would like to visit ASET’s website, please click here.

Association for Coaching

Stonebridge Associated Colleges is an Organization Member of the Association for Coaching

The Association for Coaching is an independent non profit organization with the goal to promote best practice, raise awareness and standards across the Coaching industry, while providing value added benefits to its members – whether they are professional Coaches or Organizations involved in Coaching.

Association for Coaching
66 Church Road
London W7 1LB
United Kingdom

Visit their website at

British Association of Counselors (BACP)

Stonebridge Associated Colleges are Organizational Members of the British Association of Counselors (BACP)

“As an Organizational Member of BACP we are bound by its Ethical Framework for Good Practice in Counseling and Psychotherapy, the Ethical Guidelines for Researching Counseling and Psychotherapy (where organizations undertake research) and subject to the Professional Conduct Procedure for the time being in force.”

British Learning Association

Stonebridge is a BLA Member

BLA, the British Learning Association, exists to promote quality and best practice in open, flexible and distance forms of learning throughout the education and training sectors of the UK. It is the national cross sector association for open learning drawing its membership from the key areas of open and flexible learning.

The British Learning Association is recognized as one of the leading organizations promoting quality and best practice in open learning in the UK.

Visit the BLA website at

Complementary Medical Association

Stonebridge Associated Colleges is a CMA Registered Centre of Excellence.

Visit the CMA website by clicking here.


Stonebridge is a registered CCC registered College

Stonebridge Associated Colleges has become a registered College with ‘Counseling’, registered charity no. 1068940. This enables students studying counseling through Stonebridge to apply for professional membership. Students are then able to use ‘CCC Reg.’ after their names and the words ‘CCC Registered Counselor’ on any stationary.

Some of the benefits of registering with ‘Counseling’:

All ‘Counseling’ services are, and will remain, completely free.
Membership of a professional body with its own code of conduct and complaints procedure.
Free listing on our database in surname, town name, and county order; to triple the opportunity for clients or potential employees to find you.
Receive a periodic email newsletter on counseling related issues.
Registered counselors will be held in higher regard as the register itself grows and receives general acceptance.
If you want to view more details of who ‘Counseling’ are, please look at their website at or contact the College.

CCC – Counseling Newsletter

Counseling Newsletters are sent by email every month to all registered counselors who have an email address. For those without email, but who still have access to a web site, the newsletters are reproduced on these pages. Please use the newsletter link on the menu bar situated right of the main website.

[email protected]

Fax: 0870 138 8166
A Registered Charity – Caring For Emotional Health
39 Warwick Road, Atherton, Manchester M46 9TA
Registered Charity No. 1068940

Federation of Holistic Therapists

The Federation of Holistic Therapists (F.H.T) is the largest association in the UK. It carries global Recognition and represents over 20,000 professional therapists. The F.H.T sets industry standards thereby ensuring best practice for Therapists and their clients. No other UK association has influenced the acceptance of Complementary Therapies in the UK more than the F.H.T.

Benefits of Membership

As a fully qualified therapist holding one of our Nationally Recognized Awards that are accepted by the F.H.T, you will be eligible for the following membership benefits:

As a Full Member of the F.H.T, you will be eligible for F.H.T Insurance policies that are related to the beauty, complementary and sports therapy sectors in the United Kingdom. Thus you can practice with peace of mind, knowing that comprehensive cover (a standard £3 million) is available for a variety of treatments at an affordable cost.
Full Members are allowed to vote at General Meetings and to serve on the Governing Council of the F.H.T.
Members are supplied with a multi-discipline therapy magazine, the ‘International Therapist’ that has the biggest circulation in the UK for qualified therapists. This is a non-commercial editorial offering unbiased and expert information on subjects from Aromatherapy to Yoga. Published bi-monthly in full colour.
Members of the F.H.T can enjoy the benefit of major savings (up to 50%) from over 50 leading U.K. suppliers through the Membership discount scheme.
Every Member of the F.H.T receives a catalogue full of products commissioned by the F.H.T for its Membership (e.g. association badged clothing, aromatherapy and reflexology charts, videos and couches etc.)
Members can call a free support line for information regarding treatment procedures, marketing and general enquiries (access to F.H.T’s legal helpline and counseling helpline is provided for a small annual premium).
Access to the F.H.T member’s site where you can communicate with other therapists throughout the World.

F.H.T Accredited Courses

  • ASET Level 3 Anatomy and Physiology Diploma Course
  • ASET Level 3 Diet and Nutrition Advisor Diploma Course

    Today’s clients expect Therapists to be professional. When they visit you, they want to be advised and treated by a fully trained and qualified therapist. Full Membership of The Federation of Holistic Therapists shows them that you are a true Professional. For more information please visit the F.H.T’s website at

Fitness Industry Association (FIA)

The Fitness Industry Association (FIA) is the industry body which represents almost 2,500 public and private organizations across the UK.

The FIA’s mission is to continually raise standards, promote and represent the health and fitness industry in the pursuit of a more physically active and healthier nation.

For more information please visit the FIA website by clicking here.

Guild of Professional Beauty Therapists

Stonebridge is a Guild of Professional Beauty Therapists Accredited Training College

Launched in 1994, The Guild of Professional Beauty Therapists is the UK’s biggest professional beauty trade body. The Guild has over 5,000 members who are all fully qualified beauty and holistic therapists. All Members of the Guild of Professional Beauty Therapists work to a strict code of ethics.

This is great news for students who complete one of our courses that have been accredited by the Guild of Professional Beauty Therapists as they are now able to secure full membership to the Guild starting from only £85 per annum.

Benefits of membership include:

  • Insurance Benefits – Negligence claims against Beauty Salons and Nail Technicians are rising dramatically and so insurance is vital to safeguard the future of your business. The Guild’s insurance cover is tailor made for Beauty Therapists and Salon Owners. Full membership of the Guild of Professional Beauty Therapists automatically covers you for Treatment, Public and Product Liability cover (£2 million). – The Guild’s web site provides members with a wealth of news and information. Including features on the benefits of professional salon treatments.
  • Salon directory – Guild Salon Directory is a unique service available exclusively to Guild Members. It gives you the opportunity to advertise your salon or mobile business to a wide audience, and is a valuable new addition to our package of membership benefits. Enhanced entries on Guild Salon Directory allow you to write a short promotional description of your salon and the services you offer. You can link your entry to your own e-mail and website, and a directional map will mean clients are sure to be able to find you.
  • Professional and Business Helpline – The Guild’s dedicated team of staff are beauty and business professionals who can provide business advice and support. Members can call during office hours, Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm for expert advice.
    Yellow Pages and Thomsons Directories Advertising – Most Salons advertise in Yellow Pages or with Thomson Directories but as a Guild Member, you can stand out from the rest by taking part in the Guild’s corporate advertising scheme, which allows you to advertise at special rates under The Guild’s banner.
  • Guild Gazette – Guild Gazette is the official Journal of the Guild of Professional Beauty Therapists. It is published bi-monthly and is the only magazine mailed exclusively to members. In each issue of Guild Gazette, you will receive the latest news on products, industry developments, legislation and training. There are treatment fact files, current issues and affairs and articles from industry experts.
    MGPBT (Member of the Guild of Professional Beauty Therapists) – Students who complete one of our courses accredited by the Guild will also be able to use the letters MGPBT after their names.
  • GPBT logo – The GPBT logo artwork is available upon request for you to use on your stationary. All new members receive a Guild of Professional Beauty Therapists membership certificate to display in their treatment area.

    The following courses have been accredited for Guild Membership, insurance and CPD (Continuing Professional Development):

Course Name (No. of CPD points)

ASET Level 3 Anatomy & Physiology Diploma Course (140)
ASET Level 4 Aromatherapy Diploma Course (212) *
ASET Level 3 Beauty Therapist Diploma Course (150) *
ASET Level 4 Reflexology Diploma Course(212)*

  • Indicates that practical training may be a prerequisite for membership.

Today’s beauty salon clients expect the best. When they visit your salon, they want to be advised and treated by fully trained and qualified therapists. Membership of The Guild of Professional Beauty Therapists shows them that you are a true Beauty Professional. For more information please visit the Guild’s website at

Individual Learning Accounts Wales

To apply for an ILA Wales, contact Learndirect now on 0800 100 900

All applications for ILA Wales are being taken by learndirect on 0800 100 900.They will take a few details from you and then send an application pack to you.

If you need help to fill in the form, learndirect will be happy to arrange for you to have an informal one-to-one chat with a careers adviser, where you can go through the forms together and get other careers advice and guidance you may need. Your careers adviser will also show you how to shop around for courses, so that you get the best value for your ILA Wales money.

Remember, there are hundreds of courses out there and it’s important you choose the right one for you.

Free phone learndirect now on 0800 100 900

For more information, you can also log onto the ILA Wales website:

International Association for Distance Learning (IADL)

Stonebridge are an approved member of the International Association for Distance Learning.

The IADL has been established to promote quality in distance education and training, and to provide approval and recognition of open and distance learning programmes and their providers.

Admission to membership of the IADL includes appraisal of our administrative procedures, methods of course delivery, and our educational and publicity materials. Consideration is also given to our in-house quality control systems. We are assessed to ensure that our learners receive a product which is consistent with the values and policies set by the IADL Membership Committee. We are required to undergo periodic re-assessment by assessors and evaluators nominated by IADL.

For more information please visit the IADL website by clicking here.

Register for Foot Health Professional (R.F.H.P)

The Register for Foot Health Professional (R.F.H.P) is a non-profit professional association for Foot Health Practitioners, who places practitioners on a register, making the public aware that the practitioner is trained to a high standard.

The R.F.H.P campaigns for, promotes and supports those who work and practice in the Foot Health Practitioner Industry. It reaches out to people who act as advocates for the Foot Health Profession and it anticipates and exceeds stakeholder expectations. Members are of all ages and come from a broad range of professional and personal backgrounds.

R.F.H.P Accredited Courses

ASET Level 4 Foot Health Practitioner Diploma Course

The American Association of Drugless Practitioners

To visit the AADP website, click here

The American Association of Drugless Practitioners Certification and Accreditation Board has granted Stonebridge Associated Colleges full board professional accreditation and certification.

Stonebridge’s curriculum fully meets the accreditation board’s educational requirements and will give students a thorough knowledge of courses set-forth by the College.

Graduates of Stonebridge will be eligible to apply to be board certified holistic health practitioners through the AADP.

Granted by Donald A. Rosenthal, N.D., Ph. D.
Executive Director

The American Holistic Health Association (AHHA)

Stonebridge Associated Colleges are Organizational Members of the American Holistic Health Association (AHHA).

The American Holistic Health Association is dedicated to promoting holistic principles: honoring the whole person (mind, body and spirit) and encouraging people to actively participate in their own health and healthcare.

AHHA is the leading national resource connecting people with vital solutions for reaching a higher level of wellness.

To visit the AADP website, click here

The Approved Courseware

Many of our online courses carry the Microsoft Certified Professional Approved Study Guide and the Microsoft Office User Specialist logos. The MCSE courses consist of all the core modules required to complete the seven exams that make up the MCSE qualification.

Our ECDL courseware also carries the Approved Courseware Syllabus Version 3.0 mark which is the sign of an accredited ECDL course.

Visit the Stonebridge IT School website at:

The General Hypnotherapy Council

Stonebridge Associated Colleges has become a: ‘Representative Organization within The General Hypnotherapy Council’

The General Hypnotherapy Register has made such rapid and astonishing progress towards its primary goal of providing, in line with stated Department of Health guidelines, a single independent Register of Practitioners to which the public, GP’s and all relevant third parties may refer with confidence, that they have felt able to take, well ahead of schedule, the next logical step in their contribution towards the inevitable consolidation of the profession — the creation of a General Hypnotherapy Council.

The General Hypnotherapy Register

‘Patron of The General Hypnotherapy Register’

Students in training with Stonebridge Associated Colleges may also enjoy an association with the General Hypnotherapy Register (

For more information please visit the General Hypnotherapy Register website by clicking here.

The Register of Exercise Professionals

Stonebridge Associated Colleges has been accepted for recognition as Endorsed Training within the framework of the Register of Exercise Professionals.

The Register of Exercise Professionals has been set up to help safeguard the health and interests of people who are using the services of exercise and fitness instructors, teachers and trainers.

Visit the Register website at:

University for Industry

Stonebridge accepted as a qualified supplier for existing materials by the University for Industry (UfI).

Ufi today announced a preliminary list of over 100 titles which it is considering for the portfolio of learning materials it is planning for autumn 2000. It has also written to an initial list of over 150 qualified suppliers inviting them to tender for these titles.

The qualified suppliers include organizations such as IBM, BBC, and Microsoft as well as colleges, universities and professional institutes. They are all producers of high-quality open and distance learning materials, ranging from web, digital and multimedia products through to video, audio and traditional print.

UfI chief executive Anne Wright said: “Ufi was thrilled by the enthusiastic response from all kinds of organizations wanting to supply materials that meet Ufi’s very high quality standards.

A full media release is available from the College or